Donetsk, Dec 9 – DAN. Kiev showcases its insolvency when complains about inefficiency of the Minsk process and does nothing to improve the situation, said DPR Foreign Minister Natalia Nikonorova.

The head of the Ukrainian delegation to the Contact Group Leonid Kravchuk told RBK-Ukraina that Kiev has exhausted every opportunity to implement the Minsk Agreements, and views the situation as a deadlock. He suggested focusing on the implementation of the conditions set forward by the Normandy Four format. Failing this, Kravchuk said, will necessitate the Plan B implementation, failing to provide any details of the plan.

“When Kiev laments inefficiency of the Minsk Agreements at the same time doing nothing to make them efficient, we perceive such statements as hypocrisy and demagogy. The Minsk process stagnates solely because of the Ukraine’s side, which we have been encouraging to reiterate at least its commitment to the agreements at the level of highest authorities.”

Nikonorova said that most recent Kravchuk’s statements contradict not only the Minsk Agreements but also each other.

The peaceful settlement of the Donbas crises is based on the Minsk Agreements dated 5 September 2014 and, followed by the 19 September 2014 Memorandum on the ceasefire implementation. On 12 February 2015 the negotiators signed the Package of Measures for the Implementation of the Minsk Agreements; it sets forth immediate and comprehensive ceasefire in effect from 15 February 2015; withdrawal of heavy weapons, establishment of a security zone; discussion of modalities of resuming social payments in Donbass; a constitutional reform in Ukraine aimed at a profound decentralization of the state’s system of government. *ot