Donetsk, Sep 4 - DAN. Ukraine's law on amnesty of the "ATO" participants defies decisions of the Normandy Four concerning the amnesty of the Donbass crisis participants, said DPR envoy to the negotiations Denis Pushilin.
"It is sad that for Ukrainian president Petr Poroshenko the pressure of radical elements turned out to be dominant over the Normandy Four exhortations concerning the necessity to fulfil all the articles of the Package of Measures, and the article on amnesty in particular. By signing the law "On 'ATO' fighters amnesty" Poroshenko defied the decisions of the Normandy Four," Pushilin said.
He mentioned that the law was adopted in a very short period of time as well as the law on the amnesty for participants of the state coup. "Surprisingly, to work out and adopt these laws Ukrainian authorities have neither called for additional consultations nor asked experts," Pushilin said adding that the amnesty under the Minsk Agreements is being protracted by Kiev for three years.
He emphasized that the Minsk Agreements envisage mutual amnesty for the sides of the Donbass conflict. "It doesn't cancel Ukraine's responsibilities under the Minsk Agreements. We shall insist on implementation of the Minsk Agreements in compliance with the letter of the agreements, in what comes to the amnesty which should be fulfilled by enforcing a law prohibiting prosecution and punishment of persons engaged in the events which took place in Donbass."
On Saturday, September 2, Poroshenko signed the law “On amnesty in 2016”, which grants an amnesty for convicted participants of ''ATO" who didn’t commit felonies. *ot