Donetsk, Aug 18 — DAN. Four civilians have been killed and another 15 have been wounded in Ukrainian armed formations’ strike at central Svetlodarsk, town administration head Maxim Kozlovsky told the Donetsk News Agency on Thursday.

“According to the latest reports, 15 people have been wounded; four of them are in serious condition. Two were found dead, one died in hospital and another in a single family neighborhood; that makes four fatalities in all, ” Kozlovsky said.

The shelling damaged windows of the town hospital, he added.

Earlier reports on Thursday said that Kiev gunmen had delivered a strike at the center of the liberated Svetlodarsk when townsfolk were queueing for water. The strike targeted the area next to the school and town hospital. Kozlovsky said that 30 to 40 people had gathered at the water point at the time.

Svetlodarsk is located 18 kilometers north of Debaltsevo. It was founded in 1968. The town accommodates the Uglegorskaya thermal power plant, one of the largest in Europe. Ukrainian troops occupied the town in the summer of 2014. The Russian coalition liberated the town in late May 2022. Svetlodarsk was included in the Debaltsevo responsibility zone.*jk