Donetsk, May 15 – DAN. The Donetsk People’s Republic Prosecutor General’s Office opened criminal cases against senior Ukrainian army commanders complicit in the shelling of Donetsk, Gorlovka, Dokuchayevsk and Yasinovataya in the DPR on May 8-12, the PGO press service said.

“Five criminal proceedings were opened against Ukrainian army commanders over strikes delivered at DPR areas on May 8 – May 12, 2019,” the report said.

The suspects were identified as brigade commanders Dmitry Bryzhinskiy, Nikolay Palas, Ivan Garaz and Valery Gudz.

As a result of shelling incidents, one civilian was injured, four houses sustained damage.
Criminal cases are opened under Art.229 s.2, p. a, c (Terrorist Attack).

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation has opened criminal case following the injury of a civilian in Trudovskiye under Art.356 p 1 of the Russian Criminal Code (Use of Banned Means and Methods of Warfare). *ot