Donetsk, Aug 30 – DAN. DPR Prosecutor General’s Office has opened several criminal cases against Ukrainian commanders on charges of terrorism, the Office press service said.

“Prosecutors of DPR Prosecutor General’s Office launched criminal cases against Ukrainian commanders Marchenko (10th mountain assault brigade) and Kotlik (28th mechanized brigade) and their subordinates,” the report reads.

The cases are investigated under Article 229, P. 2, s. A and C of the DPR Criminal Code (Terrorism).

The defendants are prosecuted for opened fire on Gorlovka injuring two children, and on Donetsk, injuring a civilian.

The Additional Measures to Strengthen the Ceasefire were signed at the Contact Group meeting on July 22 to reinforce and control the indefinite ceasefire in effect since July 21, 2019, the latest in the series of more than 20 reconfirmation and announcements of the “silence regime”. The package came into effect on July 27. *ot