Gorlovka, Nov 18 - DAN. Two shops of the Gorlovka-based Stirol plant have resumed operation after idling for seven years, company director Vasily Agarkov told reporters on Thursday.

“We’ve been mothballed for seven years,” Agarkov said. “We worked out a joint program with the Ministry of Industry to launch two shops, and now they’ve begun operation.”

The paints and varnishes shop and the polymer products shops are back online. They were retooled to launch the production of pentathal paints. ”Two pumping and filtering dosing units have been purchased. A new sealing machine is being tested; it has not been delivered yet,” he added.

The company currently manufactures polyethylene film, disposable tableware, wrapping material, and pentaphtal and water-dispersion paints. The range of products will expand as the plant installs additional equipment.

Production volumes have set at 74 linear meters per hour for polyethylene film, 36,000 pieces per hour for disposable tableware, 2,000 tons a year for pentaphtal paints and 7,000 tons a year for water-dispersion paints. The output is expected to meet a considerable portion of the domestic demand. For example, the plant will supply more than 50 percent of pentaphtal paints needed in the Republic. Over time, the company will start selling its products in Russia.

Stirol currently employs 25 people; it will increase its staff six-fold as production expands.

Stirol is a key chemical industry enterprise in Donbass. It used to be one of Europe’s largest producer of mineral fertilizers accounting up to 3 percent of world’s exports' of ammonia, chemicals, compounds and products thereof. It stopped operation as fighting broke out in the region.

The company sits on a 440-hectare area and comprises 33 production and maintenance units, including nine mineral fertiliser shops.*jk