Donetsk, Oct 22 - DAN. Ukrainian forces fired 100 BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle cannon rounds at the Vasilyevka village outside Yasinovataya on Tuesday evening, the Donetsk People’s Republic Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination reported.

“At 17:30, a strike by Ukrainian armed formations towards Vasilyevka was recorded,” the report said . “One hundred BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle gun rounds were fired; large calibre machine guns and small arms were used as well”.

The shelling is ongoing. Strikes continue to be delivered from the Kiev-controlled Novosyolovka Vtoraya village, the JCCC said.

Earlier reports said that Kiev forces had delivered a mortar strike on this axis.

Vasilyevka is located outside Yasinovataya. The Vasilyevka pumping station is a key Donbass water supply facility servicing residents on both sides of the contact line.*jk