Donetsk, Jun 13 - DAN. Ukrainian armed formations fired anti-tank missiles at the Yuzhonobasskiy water duct 1st level pumping station on Thursday afternoon, the Donetsk People’s Republic Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination reported.

“At 15:20, Ukrainian forces shelled the 1st level Vasilyevka pumping station using anti-tank missiles,” the report said.

The strike was delivered from the Novosyolovka Vtoraya settlement after after workers had left the station. Two missiles were fired. One exploded on the road to Yasinovataya, and the second damaged the power line to the pumping station.

The strike caused a grassfire at the impact site. Fire-fighting is currently not possible as Kiev forces are continuing to deliver fire with large calibre machine guns and small arms.

The DPR Office at the JCCC asked Ukraine for additional security guarantees for stable ceasefire.

The Vasilyevka pumping station, a key Donbass water supply facility, services the Yuzhnodonbasskiy water duct supplying water to residents on both sides of the contact line.*jk