Donetsk, Oct 22 - DAN. Ukrainian armed formations have fired  170 rounds of ammunition at the Vasilyevka village outside Yasinovataya since 17:00 on Tuesday; the shelling is ongoing, the Donetsk People's Republic Office at the Joint Centre for control and Coordination reported.

“The shelling has continued for more than an hour; strikes are being delivered from the Kamenka and Novosyolovka Vtoraya settlements,” the report said. “As of now, Ukrainian armed formations have fired 170 rounds of ammunition, including 16 82mm mortar rounds, ten BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle cannon rounds, 125 IVF-2 cannon rounds, 19 recoilless gun rounds and ten automatic grenade launcher rounds.”

No casualties or damage reports were immediately available. “The DPR Office at the JCCC repeatedly asked Ukraine through the OSCE Mission to immediately cease fire, but strikes continue,” the JCCC said.*jk