Donetsk, Jun 21 - DAN. Ukrainian army units violated the ceasefire five times over the past 24 hours firing more than 40 rounds of ammunition at Donetsk People’s Republic frontline areas, head of the DPR Mission to the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination Ruslan Yakubov said on Thursday.

“Over the past 24 hours, the Ukrainian army violated the ceasefire five times expending 42 rounds of ammunition,” Yakubov said.

JCCC observer groups recorded the shelling of Gorlovka and Yasinovataya outskirts and the Leninskoye village in the DPR’s southern Novoazovskiy district with 82mm and 120mm mortars, grenade launchers and other types of weapons.

On Wednesday evening, Ukrainian forces delivered a strike at western Gorlovka. A civilian was wounded. He is in medium severity condition at present.*jk