Donetsk, Apr 27 - DAN. Ukrainian army units violated the ceasefire 35 times over the past 24 hours firing more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition at the Donetsk People’s Republic territory, head of the DPR Mission to the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination Ruslan Yakubov said on Friday.

“Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian army units violated the ceasefire 35 times expending 1,043 rounds of ammunition,” Yakubov said.

Ukrainian forces targeted northern and western outskirts of Donetsk, Yasinovataya and Gorlovka suburbs, Dokuchayevsk and villages in the Republic’s Starobeshevskiy and Novoazovskiy districts with mortars, howitzers, tank guns and infantry fighting vehicle cannons, he added.

On Thursday afternoon, Ukrainian forces delivered artillery and mortar strikes at Dokuchayevsk killing two civilians.*jk