Donetsk, Dec 29 - DAN. Ukrainian armed formations fired at the Vasilyevka village area outside Yasinovataya, which accommodates a Yuzhnodonbasskiy water duct pumping station, the Donetsk People’s Republic Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination (JCCC) said.

Fire was delivered with SPG and AGS grenade launchers and small arms from the Ukraine-controlled Novosyolovka Vtoraya village. Six grenades were fired. No damage or casualties were immediately reported.

Vasilyevka is located in some 1.5 kilometres from the contact line in Donbass. It accommodates a 1st level pumping station of the Yuzhnodonbasskiy water duct. This key water supply facility services residents on both sides of the contact line.

The package of tighter ceasefire control measures has been in force in Donbass since July 2020. The document bans the use of all weapons, deployment of hardware, special operations, engineer works and unmanned aerial vehicles flights.*jk