Donetsk, Sep 12 - DAN. Kiev forces violated the ceasefire 16 times over the past 24 hours firing 60 rounds of ammunition at the Donetsk People’s Republic territory, the DPR Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination said on Thursday.

“Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian forces violated the ceasefire 16 times expending 60 rounds of ammunition,” the JCCC said.

“Strikes were delivered at the Trudovskaya Colliery neighbourhood in western Donetsk, the Volvo Centre in the north of the DPR capital, the Spartak village north of the city, Yasinovataya and the adjacent Krutaya Balka, Mineralnoye and Kashtanovoye villages, Gorlovka, Dokuchayevsk, and the Petrovskoye, Oktyabr and Leninskoye villages in southern DPR,” it added.

The enemy used mortars, infantry fighting vehicle cannons, grenade launchers and small arms.

Reports on Wednesday said that three Emergencies Ministry employees suffered wounds of varying severity as they came under fire in the Trudovskaya Colliery neighbourhood in western Donetsk. The rescuers were putting out a fire started by a previous Ukrainian strike at the area.*jk