Donetsk, May 17 - DAN. Ukrainian army units violated the ceasefire 31 times over the past 24 hours firing nearly 600 rounds of ammunition at Donetsk People’s Republic frontline areas, head of the DPR Mission to the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination Ruslan Yakubov said on Thursday.

“Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian forces violated the ceasefire 31 times expending 589 rounds of ammunition,” Yakubov said.

Ukrainian forces delivered strikes on the Gorlovka axis and at northern Donetsk, Yasinovataya outskirts, Dokuchayevsk and southern DPR villages using 122mm artillery, 120mm and 82mm mortars, grenade launchers, machine guns, infantry fighting vehicle cannons and small arms.

“Three houses and a gas pipe in Gorlovka were damaged,” Yakubov said.

On Wednesday evening a woman was killed in the Golmovskiy neighbourhood in northern Gorlovka in an artillery strike by Ukrainian army units. On Thursday morning a man was wounded in Zaitsevo as it came under Ukrainian forces fire.*jk*pp