Donetsk, Nov 29 – DAN. Ukrainian forces expended 351 rounds at DPR frontline areas over the past 24 hours, DPR representative at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination (JCCC) Ruslan Yakubov said on Wednesday.

“The overall number of Ukrainian army rounds fired at the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic over the past 24 hours amounted to 351,” Yakubov said.

DPR townships on Gorlovka axis came under the most intense fire.

The Joint Centre for Control and Coordination and DPR Operations Command use different methodologies to count the number of ammunition rounds used by the Ukrainian army. Whereas JCCC monitors the use of all types of ammunition, DPR Operations Command only records large calibre ammunition impacts.

Earlier Operations Command reported that Kiev forces violated ceasefire 14 times in 24 hours, wounding a woman in Dokuchayevsk. *ot