Donetsk, May 7 - DAN. Ukrainian army units shelled Gorlovka and the Kominternovo village in the south of the Donetsk People’s Republic on Tuesday morning, head of the DPR Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination Ruslan Yakubov said.

“At 07:20, Ukrainian forces shelled the Dolomitnoye neighbourhood in northern Gorlovka with mortars,” Yakubov said. “Thirty 120mm rounds were fired.”

At 6:20, the Kominternovo village in the DPR’s Novoazovskiy district came under mortar fire, he said adding that three 120mm rounds were fired at the village. On top of that, Ukrainian army units delivered infantry fighting vehicle cannon fire at the Mineralnoye village north of Donetsk and the Zaitsevo and Golmovskiy neighbourhoods in northern Gorlovka from 04:45 to 07:05.

Reports on Monday said that two houses had been damaged in the Kominternovo village in southern DPR in shelling by Ukrainian forces.*jk