Donetsk, Apr 21 - DAN. Ukrainian armed formations shelled the areas of three settlements outside Donetsk and Yasinovataya, the Donetsk People’s Republic Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination (JCCC) reported on Tuesday.

“At 17:10 and 17:15, Ukrainian armed formations delivered strikes at the Spartak village and the Kashtanovoye settlement,” the report said. “Overall, 12 82mm mortar rounds were fired.”

Around that time, the Vasilyevka 1st level pumping station outside Yasinovataya came under fire as well. Five recoilless gun rounds were fired towards the station, and high calibre small arms were also used. The pumping station personnel took cover in a shelter, the JCCC said.

The JCCC sent a team the shelled locations for more accurate damage assessment.*jk