Donetsk, Apr 15 – DAN.  Ukrainian army shelled Spartak north of Donetsk and Vasilyevka outside Yasinovataya this morning, the DPR mission to the JCCC said.

"Today from 7.50 a.m. to 8.05 a.m. Ukrainian forces targeted Spartak north of Donetsk firing thre mortar rounds of 82 mm."

Vasilyevka was targeted from 7.40 a.m. to 9 a.m. with 12 rounds of 120 mm caliber, 40 rounds of anti-aircraft gun, seven rounds of SPG and small arms.

A new recommitment to the ceasefire in Donbass has come into force on Friday, 1.01 a.m. GMT +3, after the security working group of the Contact Group had agreed to it on the previous day. *ot