Donetsk, Oct 22 - DAN. The Ukrainian army massed more than 30 tanks and eight self-propelled howitzers of 58th Separate Motorised Infantry Brigade northwest of Grolovka, the Donetsk People’s Republic People’s Militia press service said on Tuesday citing intelligence reports.

“Our intelligence detected the location of weapons and military equipment of Ukrainian armed formations 58th Brigade, deployed in Konstantinovka (33 tanks and three 2C3 self-propelled howitzers Akatsia, 152mm, and in Druzhkovka and Alexkseyevo-Druzhkovka (five self-propelled howitzers Akatsia, 152mm), the report said.

In the Konstantinovka area, the DPR intelligence recorded the operation of mobile groups of 20th Radioelectronic Warfare Battalion, aimed at hiding the deployed weapons and engineer works from OSCE Special Monitoring Mission drones, the DPR militia said.

Earlier, the Ukrainian army deployed 65 pieces of armoured equipment including tanks outside Gorlovka in violation of the Minsk Agreements.*jk