Donetsk, Aug 20 - DAN. Ukrainian army units shelled Donetsk and its suburbs on Tuesday morning, the Donetsk People’s Republic Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination reported.

“At 06:00, strikes by Ukrainian armed forces towards the Spartak settlement and Donetsk were recorded,” the report said. “Fifteen 120mm mortar rounds, eleven 82mm mortar rounds and 15 BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle gun rounds were fired.”

Approximately at the same time, Ukrainian forces shelled the Staromikhailovka village in the western outskirts of the Republic’s capital with 15 120mm mortar rounds; the enemy also used grenade launchers, IFV cannons and small arms, the JCCC said.

No casualties or damage were immediately reported.

The comprehensive, indefinite and lasting ceasefire recommitment has been formally in effect in Donbass since July 21.*jk