Donetsk, Sep 25 - DAN. A group of Ukrainian servicemen who support former Ukrainian president Petr Poroshenko is poised to fail the disengagement of forces and hardware in Donbass, the Donetsk People’s Republic People’s Militia press service said on Wednesday citing DPR intelligence reports.

“We have information that Ukrainian armed forces commanders loyal to former Ukrainian president Petr Poroshenko plan to fail the disengagement of forces and hardware,” the report said.

The DPR militia told the Donetsk News Agency that it would disclose details in the nearest future.

At present, the new Ukrainian leadership officially declares its intention to end the armed conflict in Donbass as soon as possible. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky repeatedly said that the disengagement of forces and hardware along the whole contact line had to become the first step towards implementation of this strategy.*jk