Donetsk, Jan 27 — DAN. Ukrainian armed formations have fired more than 160 rounds of ammunition at Donetsk People’s Republic settlements on Thursday.


The Russian government has proposed a law on the granting of retirement benefits according to Russian norms in the DPR, LPR and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions starting March 1. Another government lawbill sets the procedure for the granting of childcare, maternity and childbirth benefits in the new Russian regions.

Russia will allocate more than one billion rubles for the payment of unemployment benefits in the new regions in 2023.

Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin has ordered to approve the new regions rebuilding plans for 2023 by mid-February.


Military situation

Donetsk, Makeyevka, Gorlovka and their suburbs came under Ukrainian artillery fire on Thursday. The enemy used 155mm, 152mm and 122mm artillery.

In Donetsk’s Petrovsky district, a 60-year-old woman and a 10-year-old child were wounded and four homes were damaged by shelling. A kindergarten, a shop and a house were damaged in the Alexandrovka neighborhood in the west of the city. In Gorlovka, the Michurinskaya penitentiary, a veterinary center, a car maintenance center and a furniture shop were damaged.

Russian warplanes reportedly shot down two enemy Su-25s in the Ugledar and Andreyevka areas.


Other news

The Bank of Russia will issue a commemorative coin this year to mark the accession of the DPR, LPR and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions to the Russian Federation.

DPR Emergencies Ministry engineers defused more than 208,000 explosive hazards last year.

Yasinovataya will be among the first to provide humanitarian aid to Avdeyevka after is liberation from Ukrainian troops. It has already built reserves of relief supplies. Incidentally, its utility companies are not experiencing any shortages of maintenance vehicles thanks to assistance from the Chelyabinsk region.

Donetsk National Medical University Rector Grigory Ignatenko has been elected a member of the Presidium of the Society of Doctors of Russia.

Russia’s Construction Ministry helped the DPR to rebuild 529 apartment houses.


The report is based on Donetsk News Agency original stories and information supplied by the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination of issues related to Ukraine’s war crimes, Russian Defense Ministry, DPR Territorial Defense Headquarters, dedicated ministries and local authorities.*jk