Donetsk, Jun 23 — DAN. Most of the Kiev army’s offensive operations over the past 24 hours have been focused on the Donetsk, South Donetsk and Zaporozhye axis, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on Friday.

“Task Force ‘South’ has successfully repelled four enemy attacks on the Donetsk axis in the areas of Pervomaiskoye, Berdychi and Maryinka, ” the report said.

Ukrainian army units on this axis lost more than 90 servicemen, two howitzers, five armored vehicles and pickups, and an ammunition depot near the settlement of Chasov Yar outside Artyomovsk, the Defense Ministry said.

Three attacks were repelled on the Vremevsky salient, and two sabotage groups were thwarted in the Marfopole area. Enemy losses on the South Donetsk and Zaporozhye axes where the above areas are located amounted to more than 130 servicemen, five tanks, six infantry fighting vehicles and armored vehicles, four cars, two howitzers and one “Krab” self-propelled howitzer.

Kiev launched an offensive in the special military operation zone in early June. Ukrainian forces failed to achieve success in battlefield, as the country’s Defense Ministry reports showed. The enemy has slowed down his offensive operations by now, but has not fully dropped his initial plans.*jk