Donetsk, Apr 1 – DAN. Ukrainian armed formations violated the ceasefire 35 times over the past 24 hours firing more than 420 rounds of ammunition at the Donetsk People’s Republic territory, the DPR Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination reported.

“Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian armed formations violated the ceasefire 35 times expending 427 rounds of ammunition,” the report said.

Fifteen townships were targeted with 122 mm artillery, 120 mm and 82 mm mortars, APCs, IFVs, anti-aircraft guns, grenade launchers and small arms including of large caliber.

Four residential houses in Staromikhailovka and Shakhta Trudovskaya were damaged; an apartment in Donetsk sustained damage to windows; seven buses and four trolleys were badly damaged in Gorlovka.*ot