Donetsk, Jul 19 – DAN. The Ukrainian army violated the ceasefire 23 times in the past 24 hours, firing 225 rounds, said DPR representative at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination (JCCC) Ruslan Yakubov.

"Over the past 24 hours the enemy violated the ceasefire 23 times firing 225 shells,” Yakubov said.
The Volvo center, Shakhta Trudovskaya, Alexandrovka, Staromikhailovka, Spartak and Veseloye, Yasinovataya and Vasilyevka, Shakhta Gagarina, Sakhta 6/7, Dolomitnoye and Mikhailovka were targeted with 82 mm and 120 mm mortars, IFVs and APCs, grenade launchers, small arms, including sniper rifles.

A house and an outbuilding were burnt down by shelling at 41 Kirova street and 55 Kirova street in Kominternovo; a Palace of Culture was damagd.

The rounds under 12.7 mm caliber are excluded from daily reports.

Earlier reports said that a civilian woman was injured and later died of wounds in Veseloye, north of Donetsk as a result of shelling.

In the previous reporting period Kiev forces fired 100 rounds. *ot