Donetsk, Nov 4 – DAN. Kiev forces violated the ceasefire 19 times within 24 hours, the DPR mission to the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination (JCCC) said.

“The number of ceasefire violations recorded in the past 24 hours is 19. The total number of rounds fired is 319,” the report reads.

Townships on Gorlovka, Donetsk and Mariupol axes were targeted with anti-tank guided missiles, 82 mm and 120 mm mortars, IFVs, APCs, grenade launchers, small arms including of large caliber. Overall, 12 townships came under fire.

Rounds under 12.7mm are not included in daily reports and statistics.

A house and outbuildings were damaged in Shakhta Trudovskaya.

In the previous reporting period Kiev forces fired over 140 shells. *ot