Donetsk, Jul 19 – DAN. Ukrainian forces violated the ceasefire 110 times this week, firing 719 shells, said the head of the DPR People's Militia command press service Daniil Bezsonov.

"Over the week, from July 13 to July 19, 110 ceasefire violations were recorded; Kiev forces intensified shelling of residential areas, infrastructure, agricultural fields. The total number of mortar and artillery shells fired on the DPR is 719; of those 24 rounds were of 122 mm caliber and 420 – of 120 mm caliber."

Over the period, 23 civilian houses two kindergartens and nine power substations were damaged.
Ukrainian armed formation shelled Oktyabrskiy in the Kuibyshev district of Donetsk yesterday, from 5.25 p.m. to 11.30 p.m. As a result, a woman sustained shrapnel wound and later died.*ot