Donetsk, May 13 – DAN. Ukrainian armed formations opened fire on the direction of Vasilyevka outside Yasinovataya, the DPR mission to the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination (JCCC) said.

The shelling was recorded at 6.45 p.m. originating from the direction of Avdeyevka and Novosyelovka Vtoraya (5 km north-east of Avdeyevka and 7 km north of Yasinovataya). Overall, five rounds of 82 mm caliber and seven rounds of 120 mm caliber, and 20 rounds of IFV (BMP-2 type) gun have been fired.

No casualties have been reported.

One of the key infrastructural facilities, 1st level pumping station of the Yuzhnodonbasskiy water duct is located in Vasilyevka. It feeds water to both sides, DPR and Ukraine. *ot