Donetsk, Jul 3 – DAN. Ukrainian armed forces launched a heavy artillery attack on the DPR this morning,

the DPR mission to the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination (JCCC) said.

"From 4.55 a.m. to 6.45 a.m. the shelling was recorded targeting Novaya Maryevka (nine rounds of 152 mm), Sakhanka and Kominternovo (15 rounds of 120 mm)."

At 8.30 a.m. Kiev forces shelled Dolomitnoye with 120 mm, the information is being specified.

Earlier the DPR Head Denis Pushilin has convened a working meeting to discuss the recent deterioration at the contact line. All the ministries responsible for tackling consequences thereof have to mobilize. The DPR People’s Militia HQ has to develop mechanisms and consider options to protect DPR citizens and troops without violating the Minsk Agreements, he said.*ot