Donetsk, Aug 15 - DAN. Ukrainian army units have fired at OSCE Mission unmanned aerial vehicles on the Mariupol axis, the Donetsk People’s Republic People’s Militia reported on Thursday.

“Ukrainian army mortars (2B11 Sani, 120mm) were spotted in the Gnutovo village area,” the report said. “To conceal the movement of hardware and improve fortifications, 36th Separate Marines Brigade formations delivered aimd small arms fire twice at OSCE SMM UAVs in the Gnutovo village and Talakovka settlement areas (Mariupol axis - eds Doentsk News Agency).

The OSCE Mission had to suspend UAV flights as they came under Ukrainian attacks.

Earlier reports said that the Ukrainian army would deploy radioelectronic warefare systems Bukovel-AD to Mariupol for total jamming of OSCE drones.

A new comprehensive, lasting and indefinite ceasefire came into force in Donbass at 00:01 on July 21. It was agreed at the the Contact Group talks in Minsk on July 17. OSCE SMM personnel use UAVs to monitor the ceasefire in the region.*jk*pp