Donetsk, Sep 13 - DAN. Kiev forces fired 229 mortar rounds and 40 artillery rounds at the Donetsk People’s Republic over week, DPR People’s Militia deputy commander Eduard Basurin said on Friday.

“Over the past week, Ukrainian forces violated the ceasefire 86 times; prohibited weapons were used as well; 24 DPR settlements were shelled with 40 152mm and 122m artillery rounds, 229 120mm and 82mm mortar rounds, two anti-tank guided missiles and 359 grenades,” Basurin said.

Nine peopoe, including three DPR Emergencies Ministry firefighters, suffered shrapnel wounds. On top of that, 20 houses and infrastructure facilities were damaged in the following settlements: Roza, Zaitsevo, Gorlovka, Yasinovataya, Yakovlevka, Staromikhailovka, Kominternovo and Trudovskaya Colliery.

All the information with attached photos and videos was forwarded to representatives of international organisations staying in the Republic and the DPR Prosecutor General’s Office which will institute criminal proceedings, Basurin said.*jk