Donetsk, Aug 12 – DAN. Kiev forces shelled Oktyabr this morning using 122 mm artillery for the first time since the recommitment to ceasefire had been announced on July 21, the DPR Mission to the JCCC said following an investigation into the incident.

"Ukrainian armed formations delivered strikes at Oktyabr today at 5.55 a.m. According to updated reports, Ukrainians used artillery of 122 mm caliber and mortars of 120 mm and 82 mm caliber."

The DPR Mission to the JCCC dispatched a team to confirm first reports on the shelling. The site examination revealed that 12 houses and outbuildings and a department store have been damaged on the Zvezdnaya street. The investigators said they observed many craters in the area left by exploding shells.

An indefinite ceasefire came into force in Donbass in the night of July 20-21 as it has been agreed to by the Contact Group in Minsk. The new ceasefire agreement includes provisions for disciplinary measures against perpetrators, ban on offensive, sabotage and reconnaissance operations, ban on any fire including sniper fire, deployment of heavy weapons to populated areas and, first of all, civilian infrastructural objects such as schools, kindergartens, hospitals and public places. *ot