Donetsk, May 2 - DAN. Ukrainian army units fired more than 40 mortar rounds at Dokuchayevsk and western outskirts of Donetsk on Thursday morning, the Donetsk People’s Republic Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination said.

“Today, from 05:25 to 06:00, Ukrainian armed formations delivered a strike on the Mariynka - Donetsk axis (Trudovskiye Colliery settlement) firing 27 120mm mortar rounds,” the JCCC reported. “Later on, from 06:35 to 06:40, another 11 mortar rounds were fired on the same axis.”

According to the JCCC, Ukrainian forces shelled Dokuchayevsk with six 120mm mortar rounds from 07:30 to 08:25.

No casualties or damage were immediately reported.*jk