Donetsk, Jul 30 - DAN. Ukrainian armed formations violated the ceasefire four times on the contact line with the Donetsk People’s Republic over the past 24 hours, shelling three DPR settlements, head of the Republic’s Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination Ruslan Yakubov said on Tuesday.

“Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian armed formations violated the ceasefire four times expending 18 rounds of ammunition,” Yakubov said.

Strikes were delivered at the Trudovskiye settlement in western Donetsk and the Colliery 6/7 and Zaitsevo neighbourhoods in northern Gorlovka, he added. The enemy used 82mm mortars and high calibre small arms, he added.

A new comprehensive, lasting and indefinite ceasefire came into force in Donbass at 00:01 on July 21. It was agreed at the the Contact Group talks in Minsk on July 17.*jk