Donetsk, Aug 29 - DAN. The Ukrainian army shelled the Donetsk People’s Republic with 108 rounds of ammunition over the past 24 hours, head of the DPR Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination (JCCC) Ruslan Yakubov said on Thursday.

“Over the past 24 hours, Ukrainian armed formations violated the ceasefire 13 times expending 108 rounds of ammunition,” Yakubov said.

Fire was delivered at the Trudovskaya Colliery neighbourhood in Donetsk, the Gagarin Colliery, Izotov Colliery, Zaitsevo, Dolomitnoye and Shirokaya Balka townships in Gorlovka, the Krutaya Balka village near Yasinovataya and the Sakhanka village in southern DPR, he added.

The enemy used 122mm howitzers, 82mm and 120mm mortars, grenade launchers, infantry fighting vehicle cannons and high calibre small arms. The amount of expended ammunition of calibre up to 12.7 mm is not added to overall daily statistics.

On Thursday morning, Ukrainian forces shelled the Spartak and Alexandrovka neighbourhoods in the outskirts of Donetsk. Overall, two 120mm mortar rounds and four anti-tank rocket propelled grenades were fired at the settlements which also came under large calibre machine gun and small arms fire. The Zaitsevo township in Gorlovka was targeted with twelve 82mm mortar rounds.*jk