Donetsk, Dec 10 - DAN. Ukrainian armed formations have fired at the Donetsk People’s Republic territory 199 times since the Additional Measures to Strengthen the Ceasefire in Donbass came into force in late July, the Donetsk People’s Republic People’s Militia deputy commander Eduard Basurin said on Thursday.

The package of tighter ceasefire control measures came into force in Donbass on July 27, 2020. The document bans the use of all weapons, special operations, engineer works to organise positions, unmanned aerial vehicle flights etc.

“Ukrainian armed formations have fired at DPR areas 199 times,” Basurin said. “Thirty-eight facts of the use of quadcopters, including attack quadcopters, have been recorded.”

Two civilians have been hurt and 19 houses have been damaged in strikes by Ukrainian forces, he said. Earlier, the DPR reported that five militiamen had been killed and one had been wounded.

The DPR explains the mounting Ukrainian aggression in Donbass by the unwillingness to fulfil the peace accords. Overnight to Thursday, Ukrainian armed formations delivered a mortar strike at southern DPR while knowing about OSCE Mission Deputy Chief Monitor Mark Etherington’s visit to Donetsk. The DPR People’s Militia urged  the OSCE official to record the ceasefire violations.*jk