Donetsk, Jun 18 - DAN. A house and a petrol station in the Krasnoarmeiskoye village in the south of the Donetsk People’s Republic were damaged in shelling by Ukrainian army units, the DPR Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination reported on Tuesday.

“The shelling caused damage to the roof and windows of the house at 16 Parkhomenko Street, as well as to storage tanks on the premises of a petrol station,” the report said.

Damage assessment is underway, no casualties were immediately reported.

Overnight to Tuesday, Kiev forces’ 122mm artillery opened fire at the Krasnoarmeiskoye village in southern DPR. Fifteen rounds were fired. Krasnoarmeiskoye is located near the Oktyabr crossing point which connects the Republic with Kiev-controlled territory.*jk