Donetsk, Jun 22 - DAN. Ukrainian armed formations on Tuesday morning fired at the Donetsk People’s Republic militia recovery group in western Donetsk, the DPR Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination (JCCC) reported.

“A recovery group came under fire again,” the report said. “Ukrainian armed formations fired SPG-9 recoilless guns at the Staromikhailovka settlement. Luckily, nobody was hurt.”

On Monday, the DPR militia said that three militiaman had been killed and one had been wounded in a mortar strike at western Donetsk. Ukraine provided security guarantees for their evacuation, and the DPR militia sent an ambulance to the scene. However, it came under fire as well which left one person dead and four wounded.

The JCCC told the Donetsk News Agency that later on, Ukraine provided written guarantees and the evacuation resumed. The operation was suspended as the night fell and resumed in the morning. Kiev’s written security guarantees were effective from 8:00 till 12:00 Tuesday.

“The evacuation has been suspended as the life and health of the recovery team was threatened. We demand that Ukraine immediately stop armed provocations and strictly observe the provided security guarantees to complete the evacuation,” the DPR Office at the JCCC said.*jk