Donetsk, Apr 11 - DAN. A militiaman was wounded over the past 24 hours as Ukrainian forces shelled DPR territory, the Republic’s Operations Command deputy commander Eduard Basurin said on Tuesday.

“One DPR militiaman was wounded as a result of shelling by the Ukrainian army,” Basurin said.

Ukrainian forces keep the intensity of fire delivering strikes at the Republic’s territory with heavy artillery, tank guns, mortars and anti-aircraft guns, he added.

Dokuchayevsk, Donetsk’s Petrovskiy district, Sakhanka village in DPR south and Avdeyevka industrial zone came under massed fire over the past 24 hours. Four residential houses were damaged by Ukrainian forces fire, DPR Operations Command said in updated reports.

Earlier on Tuesday, DPR Operations Command reported 64 violations of the ceasefire by the Ukrainian army over the past 24 hours. *jk