Donetsk, Jun 7 – DAN. Ukrainian fighters of the nationalistic Azov armed formation attempted a breal-through on the Gorlovka direction, the attack has been repelled by the DPR Defense forces, said the head of the DPR People's Militia command press service Daniil Bezsonov.

"Yesterday up to 30 Ukrainian nationalists of the Azov regiment attempted to break through our positions on the Gorlovka direction. The squad was timely spotted by our spotters, the attack was repelled, the enemy had to retreat shamefully; some of the troops triggered landmines," he said.

As a result of the unsuccessful operation Kiev forces lost two troops killed and nine wounded.

"As they were retreating in a hurry, they abandoned two their co-fighters on the battlefield," Bezsonov said.

Kiev forces targeted Gorlovka outskirts with 122 mm artillery this night, the DPR mission to the JCCC said. *ot