Donetsk, Oct 31 – DAN. Ukrainian forces shelled the frontline areas of the Donetsk People’s Republic 440 times in the past 24 hours, a DPR senior defense official said.

“The situation in DPR remains tense. Ukrainian forces violated the ceasefire 440 times firing 159 artillery rounds (110 of them of 152mm caliber), 220 mortar rounds and 12 tank gun rounds. They also used grenade launchers, IFV and small arms ,” Operations Command deputy commander Colonel Eduard Basurin told a news briefing at the Donetsk News Agency.

Ukrainian side shelled Zaitsevo, Ozeryanovka, Shakhta Gagarina and Nizhnetoretskoye outside Gorlovka, Aleksandrovka and Trudovskiye west of Donetsk, Yasinovataya and Spartak north of Donetsk, Yasnoye outside Dokuchaevsk, Leninskoye, Sakhanka and Kominternovo in Novoazovskiy district in DPR south.

Kiev forces strikes damaged 22 houses in Dokuchayevsk, as Ukraine shelled the town over the night and in the morning, local administration head said. Overall Ukrainian forces fired around 160 mortar and artillery rounds during the previous evening and night hitting DPR frontline areas – Yasinovataya, Donetsk, Gorlovka, a military source told DAN.