Donetsk, Dec 22 – DAN. The OSCE SMM should carry out a thorough investigation of massive shelling of Donetsk, Yasinovataya and Gorlovka, which occurred in the past couple of days, said DPR envoy to the Minsk negotiations Denis Pushilin.

"We demand that the OSCE carries out a thorough and transparent investigation into the violations perpetrated and punishes those responsible for the death and injuries caused to civilians of Donbass," his statement seen by DAN reads.

Referring to shelling of Kuibyshevskiy district of Donetsk, Dolomitnoye township and Yasinovataya, Pushilin said that the Ukrainian army keeps violating the ceasefire in the conflict zone, despite of support to the ceasefire voiced in Minsk.

The security situation along the contact line has recently deteriorated dramatically. Ukraine shells frontline towns daily. A civilian was killed in Yasinovataya, three people sustained injuries, houses and infrastructure were damaged in the past couple of days. This morning, Kiev opened MLRS Grad fire on northern Donetsk. *ot