Donetsk, Oct 15 - DAN. The Donbass contact line situation has deteriorated, Donetsk People’s Republic representative to the political subgroup Alexey Nikonorov said at the subgroup talks in Minsk on Tuesday.

“The contact line situation continues to worsen and cause apprehension. Ukraine increasingly often delivers strikes with various weapons at the Republic including its residential areas,” the DPR Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination quoted Nikonorov as saying.

As proof, the Donetsk representative showed the statistics of ceasefire violations since the previous Contact Group meeting. There have been more than 300 truce violations by Ukraine. Nearly 3,500 rounds of ammunition have been fired at the DPR territory. Two civilians have been wounded and more than 70 civil infrastructure facilities have been damaged.

The contact line hot spots were districts of Donetsk, Gorlovka and Yasinovataya as well as southern DPR.

The shelling is ongoing, during the Tuesday talks, Ukraine stepped up strikes on the Donetsk and Mariupol axes. Ukrainian army units have used heavy mortars, tank guns, high calibre small arms and armoured vehicles cannons since Tuesday afternoon.

Minsk hosted a new round of Donbass peace talks on Tuesday. All the four Contact Group subgroups had meetings.*jk