Donetsk, Oct 8 - DAN. Ukrainian servicemen used radio electronic warfare equipment to jam OSCE unmanned areal vehicles in the areas of 11 settlements in Donbass, the Donetsk People’s Republic People’s Militia told the Donetsk News Agency on Tuesday.

“To jam OSCE UAV control channels, the enemy continues to use mobile groups of 20th and 305th Separate Radio Electronic Warfare Battalions of Ukrainian armed formations in the settlements of Bogdanovka, Avdeyevka, Maryinka, Novgorodskoye, Sukhaya Balka, Stepanovka, Lebedinskoye, Pavlopol, Zamozhnoye, Pischevik and Starognatovka,” the DPR militia said.

The Bogdanovka village is located some 30 kilometres south of Donetsk in the Petrovskoye disengagement area, where measures to eliminate disengagement of forces and hardware violations are due to begin on Wednesday. The settlement is controlled by Ukrainian troops.

Earlier, the OSCE Mission said that it would use all the available means, such as patrols, surveillance cameras and unmanned aerial vehicles to monitor the elimination of violations in the Petrovskoye village outside Donetsk.*jk