Donetsk, Sep 18 – DAN. Ukraine's rejection of working over the text of a UN resolution on mission in Donbass, suggested by Russia, shows Kiev's and its American partners' true intentions, said DPR envoy to the negotiations Denis Pushilin.

"Ukraine's rejection of work on the text of a UN resolution on mission in Donbass, proposed by Russia, shows true intentions of the Ukrainian president Petr Poroshenko and his American friends," Pushilin said in his statement made available to DAN.

Russia's initiative aimed at silencing guns in Donbass and implementation of the Minsk Agreements dated 2015, turned out to be unacceptable for current Ukrainian authorities and their partners, Pushilin added.

"They are interested only in military scenario of regaining control over Donbass. This is a 'new Croatia scenario' with peacemakers all over Donbass territories, controlled by the Republics, and a military solution of the conflict by someone else's hands. Ukraine has already demonstrated its inability to reach agreements and  defiantly neglects its political obligations," he said.

Pushilin added that Kiev 'de-facto supported further implementation of shelling and continuous civil war'.

Earlier in the day Russia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said that Washington and Kiev had expressed reluctance to consider the text of a UN draft for the deployment of United Nations mission to protect the OSCE SMM members in Donbass, as suggested by Moscow.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on September 5, tasked the Foreign Ministry with preparing a draft resolution for the UN Security Council to deploy peacekeepers to Donbass to provide security of the OSCE SMM members. DPR Head Alexander Zakharchenko said the DPR was ready to consider the suggestion. *ot