Donetsk, Oct 8 - DAN. Donetsk People’s Republic representatives to the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination notified the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine about their readiness to begin to eliminate violations in the disengagement zone in the Petrovskoye village area south of Donetsk, the JCCC said in a statement on Tuesday.

“The head of the DPR Office at the JCCC told the OSCE SMM that the DPR was ready to begin the disengagement of forces and hardware in disengagement zone No 3 in the Petrovskoye area,” the JCCC said.

The elimination of the violations recorded by the OSCE mission - the withdrawal of the detected weapons and armed persons - will begin on October 9 after the Mission confirms the Ukrainian armed formations’ readiness to pull back its troops in a mirror move.

“The process will run for three days. DPR militia units are ready to begin the disengagement; to confirm the move, a white signal flare will be fired tomorrow,” the JCCC said.

The DPR militia therefore confirmed the ceasefire and security guarantees for the duration of the withdrawal measures, the JCCC added.

Earlier, DPR representatives passed to the OSCE Mission the information on the presence of DPR forces and hardware in the Petrovskoye disengagement zone.*jk