Donetsk, Nov 12 - DAN. Donetsk has informed the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission about its readiness to begin a mine clearance operation in the Petrovskoye-Bogadanovka security zone.

“We notified the OSCE about our readiness to launch mine clearance on November 13, including engineer reconnaissance, retrieval of explosive hazards, marking of hard-to-access explosion hazard areas as well as further dismantling of fortifications and other military installations, such as trenches that extend ten meters into the north-north-eastern part of the zone,” the Donetsk People’s Republic Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination reported on Tuesday.

The international observers were also informed about the DPR’s completing the first phase of the withdrawal near Petrovskoye as the Republic had pulled outs its forces and hardware outside the disengagement area.

On November 9, the Donetsk People’s Republic and Ukraine began the final phase of the withdrawal of their forces and hardware from the Petrovskoye area. Donetsk fully withdrew its forces on the same day.*jk