Donetsk, Aug 13 - DAN. A fire broke out at the Ukrainian army’s depot in Avdeyevka outside Donetsk, destroying a U.S.-made counterbattery radar system, Donetsk People’s Republic People’s Militia spokesman Daniil Bezsonov said on Tuesday.

“The fire occurred in the building which accommodated the 92nd Brigade forward control centre,” Bezsonov said. “The fire was only extinguished four hours later; it destroyed an AN/TPQ-36 radar delivered to Ukraine from the United States.”

The accident was caused by a gas cylinder explosion during construction works. Earlier, DPR intelligence reported a series of unidentified explosions in Kiev-controlled territory near Avdeyevka and a blast in a high-rise building.

AN/TPQ-36 is a mobile radar system manufactured by Northrop Grumman and ThalesRaytheonSystems, It is intended for detecting and tracking incoming artillery rounds and missiles and supporting counter battery fire.*jk