Donetsk, Sep 10 - DAN. Donetsk People’s Republic players will take part in the XIII International Billiards Tournament Kremlin Cup in Moscow, the Russian Centre press service reported on Monday.

“From September 10 till September 15, a DPR delegation, supported by the Russian Centre, will visit the XIII International Billiards Tournament Kremlin Cup due to take place in Moscow,” the Russian Centre said.

Participants will compete in Combined Pyramid (men), Free Pyramid (women) and Pool 10 (men and women).

Kremlin Cup has the World Cup pyramid status; it has been on International Professional Pool Association schedule of tournaments since 2016. Beginning from 2017, it has been a qualification event for Mosconi Cup.

Launched in 2002, Kremlin Cup has been a prestigious billiards tournament not only in Russia but also in Europe drawing the best Russian and international players.*jk