Donetsk, Feb 25 – DAN. DPR Ombudswoman Office has received nearly 10 statements from DPR servicemen concerning their families being threatened by Ukrainian special services.

"Illegal methods of pressure on DPR servicemen' families living in Kiev-controlled territory used  by Ukrainian special services constitute a systematic framework that is enlarging. We have received about a dozen of statements from DPR servicemen," DPR Ombudswoman Daria Morozova said speaking at a press conference in DAN.

She said the Security Service of Ukraine tried to make DPR servicemen move to Ukraine by threatening their families. Morozova called on DPR residents to report any such cases to her Office that collects reports on Ukrainian illegal activities.

The DPR has urged international human rights organizations to look into this issue as a large number of reports say that Ukrainian special services use intimidation of families as a tool to influence Republican servicemen. *ot*pp